Cameron turned 6 months old on Monday (April 16). It really is like everyone always says- time just flies by and before you know it they are all grown up. The last 6 months has just flown by and it just keeps on going by faster and faster the older he gets. It's moving so quickly that I missed his 5 month celebration. He was 5 1/2 months before I realized that I missed it! (Since he was 3 months old I've "celebrated" by sticking candles (unlit ones) into a cupcake and taken a picture.)
6 months is a milestone so this month I stepped it up a bit. All ramping up of course for that very exciting first birthday! So this month I got him a frozen ice cream cupcake (YUMMY!), made a 6 month topper for it and a fun little birthday hat!
I got the idea for the hat from
Painted Preppy and tweaked it to make it work for me. The tutorial on Painted Preppy says to print out the hat template but I couldn't find it or a link anywhere on the page so I Googled party hat templates and found
Oh Happy Day which has a downloadable template. Of course when I tried to print it out our printer stopped working for some reason and after fidgeting with it for a few minutes I gave up and just drew a template myself, basing it on the general shape of the Oh Happy Day template. I needed a smaller hat anyway, one that would fit Cameron so it ended up working out well.
Boo Kitty is a total photo bomber! Especially when it comes to pictures of Cameron.
(Someone's a little jealous!)
Since I don't have a stash of fabric ribbon I ended up using scrapbook paper for the fringe instead. I simply cut strips, folded them in half and then cut them into fringe. Instead of stapling the fringe I taped it to the edge of the hat. To make the fringe topper I just cut fringe into a longer/larger piece of paper, rolled it up, stuck it through the top hole and taped it to the inside. I didn't put a chin strap on the hat because I thought that it would irritate Cameron and cause him to swipe at it so I adhered it to his head with double sided tape. It worked well and wasn't so sticky that it pulled his hair when I pulled it off.
Happy 6 Month Birthday Cameron!