We're off to Sanibel, Florida soon for some much needed sun! Good thing since the first official day of Spring was last week and it seems that Ohio did not get the memo.
This will be Cam's second time on an airplane and first to Sanibel. It's gonna be a lot of fun since he's walking now and can dip his little toes in the sand and surf. I anticipate some great Kodak moments!
I'm not as anxious for this plane trip as I was the first time around. Guess I'm finally getting into the mom groove and realizing that it's gonna be what it's gonna be and no amount of worrying is going to make it good or bad. Of course we're hoping for the best and doing everything to make it go as smoothly as possible. We purchased a seat for Cam even though he still qualifies as a lap child. We just figured we'd give ourselves a break and not make things more uncomfortable and complicated than they already are when you're flying with a toddler. It's expensive but for us it's so worth it.
Of course I'll be loaded up with snacks, toys, games and those oh so important worst case scenario, death con 4, end of the rope items (bribes). You know what I mean- the ipad and lollipops. Our flight is about 4 hours total with a 45 minute plane transfer in between.
I have a full plan on how I'm going to fill each hour in an attempt to get through the whole ordeal with as little fussing (and let's hope no tantrums) as possible. It'll be interesting to see how things really turn out.
But for now... in an attempt to get away from all those craft posts I've been doing, I thought I'd post some old pics of Sanibel that I took in 2009. If you've never been there check out this post that I did about the island!

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