It's Project: Pinterest time!
Before I get started I just have to share this site I stumbled across a couple months ago. It's called Pinstrosity. It's a site where people can send in photos of their Pinterest recipes and crafts that, as the name suggests, were complete monstrosities. It is SO funny, SO good! Almost as good as my personal fave, Awkward Family Photos. Seriously peeps, check it out.
Here's a sampling of what you'll find...
Original Pinterest Pin

Someone's sad attempt at it

Original Pinterest Pin
And... not so much!
The site also has some success stories as well as suggestions/tips for the next time you attempt the craft or recipe.
I've been busy trying out a bunch of recipes. Here's the good and the bad...
Cucumber avacado Caprese salad 1 Nummy
This was just okay for me. It seemed like it needed something more, like it was missing the main ingredient. I'd maybe try it again but put some Penne pasta in to help round it out.

Orange crock pot chicken 2 Nummies
Super easy to put together. It's a crock pot meal so throw it in and you're done. I spiced it up and used Sriracha instead of the ketchup. My husband ate it so it must have been okay. No rave reviews so I'll give it an average 2 nums.

Crock pot roast (no direct link for this, recipe was written on the Pin itself) 2 Nummies
Another crock pot meal- I'm addicted to them! Unfortunately it came out extremely salty. The recipe calls for only 1/2 cup of water, I guess the meat is supposed to produce the rest of the liquid but that didn't happen for me. I recommend adding 1-2 cups of water which will create more sauce for you to pour over noodles or rice as a side dish. The hubby said the flavor was very good, it was just salty, salty, salty!

Another just "okay" recipe for me. I say "for me" loosely since I never taste the meat dishes because I'm a vegetarian! My husband is the ultimate guinea pig in this. A man of few words he gives four types of reviews- silence or no review means it was okay/good you can make it again, "eh" (meaning not his favorite thing but it didn't taste bad), or "it's nasty" (self explanatory). This recipe got a silence which on the num meter measures at two.
Chicken enchilada pasta 3 Nummies!
Very tasty! But super duper rich. Rich as in dairy rich! There's a whole lotta sour cream and cheese in there so if you've got any kind of lactose issues (which my family does!) then maybe stay away from this one or load up on the lactose pills. I gotta say though, it was very yummy, tasted just like chicken enchiladas!
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